A downloadable game

Mixed Enchantments is a side project currently in development. It is a turn based rogue-like dungeon crawler in the vein of the original Rogue. I created the original design and iterated on it throughout the development. The unique mechanic of Mixed Enchantments is the four elements system. Player characters begin as human, with all four elements of a person; Body Mind, Heart, and Soul. Each of these elements act as a health bar and ability score. If any of these values hits zero the character dies, unless…

Enchantments effect how a character behaves. It can improve or lower their elements, give them new abilities, or even save them from death. Some enchantments allow character to survive without one or more of their elements by twisting them into new creatures. From Zombies to Vampires, to Ghouls to Dryads; each creature has its own unique abilities with advantages and disadvantages.

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